How to can Seville (Bitter) Orange Juice

Well as Spring is finally warming up, one of California’s best and most valuable assets is winding down: Citrus.

When the lilies start growing, Spring is in full swing

One citrus that I think a lot of Americans don’t completely utilize is the Seville Orange.  It goes by a myriad of names, including: Bitter Orange, Sour Mandarin or Naranja Agria in Spanish.  This is the citrus that marmalade (great recipe for marmalade is here) is made out of.  The British have on lock the whole sour/sweet/bitter thing that is a staple on many a breakfast table.  But many cultures use the fruit in other ways.

Puerto Ricans use this fruit in marinades and sauces as well as making “Lemonade” out of them (even though they aren’t lemons).  It is kind of difficult to keep up with being local and organic with some of the Puerto Rican ingredients (How about Achiote!)- but I have now kicked another one out!  Adios Goya Naranja Agria marinade- you are out.

It is super simple to can your own citrus juice, but there seems to be some contention throughout the interwebs about the flavor of canning your own.  In my experience, I have never had an issue or off flavors.  But as always, results may vary.

First, find some primo fruit.  I was lucky enough to be gifted a HUGE bag of Bitter Oranges by my friend’s Aunt and Uncle.  Their tree was loaded with them and I happily took some off their hands.

Extract/Squeeze the juice.

Heat the juice until it boils and keep it there for 1 minute exactly.  You don’t want it longer or else it changes the flavor profile.

Pour into jars and process for 5-10 minutes for half-pints and pints or 15 minutes for quart jars in a water bath canner.

If you don’t thoroughly strain your juice through cheesecloth, filters, etc. there will be cloudiness and some settling.  I have no problem with it; my canned juice isn’t being entered into any beauty pageants.  Store out of direct light in a cool, dry place and you can easily store for over a year with no refrigeration until you open.  Enjoy!

Spring has sprung

Though you would have no idea of that fact by the freezing temps that we had last night.  And the constant rain for the past week.

This year it seems like Sacramento is having a bit of an issue shaking off the winter doldrums.  I, on the other hand, am extremely excited to get some sun this spring so that I don’t stay this nasty shade of pale too much longer.  Blech.

Cherry blossoms and barbed wire. There has to be a joke in there somewhere.

Along the levee road

Daffodils. Such a weird name...

Rosemary blooming. And kick ass Canon 50mm bokeh

One of a million magnificent trees.

I long for the Bay Area

Especially the East and North Bay during spring.  When I come over the Benicia-Martinez bridge and WHAM! Mount Diablo comes into view it starts tugging on my heart-strings. 

Stephanie came up from Phoenix and we went tramping through the Martinez hills looking for a good photo-op for Mount Diablo.  We were thinking of printing these on some t-shirts or coffee mugs to prove our mad East Bay love.  HA!

Mount Diablo

Walnut Creek

Steph and Nick

Wild Mustard