Chicken update

Woo Hoo!  They are officially four months old. And they still dont have names.  (-_-)  The whole naming thing has been hampered because I can’t tell the two Rhodies apart to save my life.  Maybe they can just be called “Number One”, “Number Two”, etc.   They do need names though, I read an article a while ago about how naming cows increases their milk production.  So it can’t hurt for the chickens and their egg laying. 

They have gone through their pre egg-laying moult and they are looking bigger and fluffier than ever.  They are eating almost twice as much food in one day compared to about a week ago.  Whenever I go outside they follow me around hoping that I have some corn or some other treat to feed them.  Another month and we will be having eggs!  I’m definitely excited.  Need to build them a nest box, the store that I get my chicken stuff from, Elverta Feed Pet & Tack  has them, but I have scrap wood around and am going to build them one this weekend.  The lady there also suggested that I just find an old nightstand and pull out the top drawer and leave the bottom one in and they would nest there.  This seems like a good idea, but I don’t want something so bulky in my coop, but clean up would be easier- just pull out the drawer and dump into the compost heap!

There has been some occasional aggressive behavior to solidify the pecking order.  They fly up a foot or two into the air and then dive bomb one another and puff out their feathers.  It is pretty comical to watch and Nate tries to stay out of the way as much as possible.  Nate and them are getting along just fine, he watches over his “girls” and this is all despite Nate being a big, bad, Pit Bull.  Ha!  Such a stereotype and misconception.  

Eating their corn cobs

Eating their corn cobs

The Ameraucana looking mean as hell

The Ameraucana looking mean as hell, but she is the most friendly out of them all.

Impromptu Date Night

Whitney and I made our way to the Davis Farmer’s Market on Wednesday night, looking for the Chicken Lady from Cache Creek Meat Co.  hoping to score some pastured chicken, but to no avail.  I am guessing that she doesn’t come on Wednesday nights or she left early.  Wednesday night is full of food/street vendors which is cool, but we came to get chicken and produce!  So we know to come on Saturday’s for the good stuff.

We left and went to Jack’s Urban Eats in Natomas, which is a cool place that is half fast-food / half restaurant.  Not necessarily what we were expecting, but everything was really good.  They have these fries called the “Urban Fries”.  Holy sheep.  They are fried to order with a blue cheese dressing and spicy chili oil.  BEST.  FRENCH.  FRY.  TOPPING.  EVER. 

Urban Fries

Then we made our way to our favorite FroYo place in the Sacramento area:  Yog-Yog or their Yelps are here.  If you live in the Sacramento Metro area you need to get your ass there.  If you come and visit me, remind me to take you here.  After the great food and dessert, we went home to Nate Dog and watched the season premiere of House on TiVo.  Good times!