What season is this?

Sheesh.  Sacramento weather has been a little confused lately.  Winter storms complete with lightning and hail and raining for several days in a row.  Kind of feels like January.  This year has just been really weird for the weather.

I started my garden seeds indoors in January of this year and they were attacked by aphids from one of Whitney’s house plants I think.  So I started over again at the end of February- put them outside in their flats in late March and then a freak cold snap came during the day and basically killed them all off.  Being the ever persistent guy that I am, I tried YET AGAIN!  This time in the beginning of April.  Most of the seeds didn’t germinate and several died.  So basically my garden is going to suck this year and be super behind.  So far I have several varieties of tomatoes hanging on, but no Puerto Rican plants germinated/lived the 3rd time around.

But since we had hail (marble sized!) over the weekend, I am happy that everything is still in their flats and peat pots.  Hopefully this weekend I will get some plants from Farmer’s Market, and I can cobble together a small garden this year.  Bleh.

At least Whitney's wildflowers are doing well. I have no idea what this one is. I think it is from Seed Saver's Exchange.

The lilies finally started blooming this week.

It’s Been Awhile

Yep. Long time. A lot has been going on, mostly good, a little not so good. But I am back and more focused than ever. Thanks for the 3 people who follow the blog that have put up with my absence! Here’s to 2011 and what lies ahead!